📄️ Diagrams
Cloud diagrams is where you can configure and build Cloud infrastructure in AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform. We support all the Cloud services and all Properties.
📄️ Deployment
Cloud diagrams can be deployed directly to your Cloud. This will deploy all the cloud infrastructure specified in the diagram to any of your accounts.
📄️ Export Terraform Code
You can export Terraform code from a diagram instead of using Opsly to deploy to your Cloud. This is ideal if you are using your own CI/CD or you don't want to insert your Cloud credentials.
📄️ Import from Terraform code
You can import private/public Terraform modules from Git.
📄️ Import from AWS, Azure, GCP
You can import cloud resources from your cloud accounts (AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform) into Opsly. From the import you can generate a diagram and visualise all your cloud services with the configuration in 1 single diagram. This can be used to asses the infrastructure architecture, infrastructure changes happening in your cloud accounts and can validate the configuration very quickly from one central place.
📄️ Credentials
If you would like to import from your Cloud or deploy infrastructure from Opsly, then you need to configure credentials to connect to your Cloud accounts. Opsly uses Vault to store your access keys in a secured vault which are never seen, exposed and used. Instead whenever you import or deploy, Vault generates temporary access keys which only live until the import/deployment is finished.
📄️ Dashboard
The dashboard contains a list of all your created cloud diagrams.